Thursday, July 27, 2017

Worth Reading - July 27, 2017

The Globe and Mail has an opinion piece about the virtues of our constitutional monarchy

From Huffington Post, The Culture of Smug, White Liberalism

The Beaverton has a brilliant satire here on the right-wing merger in Alberta: Alberta's two right-wing parties merge to form an oil company

Eric Grenier looks at the electoral potential of the united right-wing in Alberta. 

Strong Town tackles some myths about suburbia

NDP leadership contestant, Guy Caron, announced his infrastructure and jobs plan

Rolling Stone did a glowing piece about Justin Trudeau, Canadian critics had some fun picking it apart

This piece looks at the factual errors in said Rolling Stone article. 

The New Yorker looks at the TV program that created Donald Trump

Steve Paikin makes the pitch for honesty in political advertising

Progressive Conservative in-fighting continues over nominations

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