Thursday, May 26, 2016

Worth Reading - May 26, 2016

The opening part of this article is so true. I'll write it out here. "Unlike Carthage or Pompeii, cities don't tend to vanish anymore. Instead they shrink. Industrial economies weaken, residents leave, and what remains is a compromised infrastructure." 

From Edward Keenan at the Toronto Star, housing prices in Toronto are detached from reality. This is connected to what I wrote about on Tuesday.

Also from Edward Keenan, acall to raise city taxes

From Spacing, an examination of housing prices by looking at expansive vs. expensive cities

Hamilton, Ontario is having a hard time saying yes to $1 billion for an LRT in its downtown. I really don't understand what is happening in these cities...

Martin Patriquin on electoral reform

Chantal Hebert on electoral reform

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